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Salam centre for peace

Uniting Hearts, Building Peace

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About Us

We are dedicated to promoting global harmony and fostering intercultural understanding through educational initiatives. Our mission is to develop and implement programs that bring together students from diverse cultural, social, and geographical backgrounds. By facilitating meaningful interactions and dialogue, we aim to cultivate mutual respect, empathy, and a shared appreciation for cultural diversity. These initiatives not only encourage collaboration but also empower participants to become agents of positive social change in their communities and beyond.

Welcome from the Founder

Welcome to Salam Centre for Peace. My name is Salam Kedan, and I am passionate about ​the transformative power of connecting people beyond nationalities, cultures, and ​religions. Through meaningful interactions and shared experiences, we can foster ​understanding and create positive change.

Since founding the Salam Centre for Peace in 2016, our mission has been to provide ​opportunities for individuals to engage in international conferences, leadership programs, ​and events that bring people together as human beings. We have facilitated travel for ​over 200 students and hosted events for over 1,000 individuals, building bridges of peace ​and understanding.

While our activities were paused due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are excited to ​resume our work and continue creating opportunities for connection and dialogue. I invite ​you to join us in this journey and be a part of our community dedicated to making a ​difference.

Salam Kedan, M.A.

Founder & Executive Director

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Where We Work

We go where we are needed and work with partner organisations to connect and raise awareness in various parts of the world.

Outline of the World Map
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Join us to stay informed about our

latest initiatives and opportunities.

Why Connect?

Updates: Get the latest news on our projects and events.

Inspiration: Hear stories of peace and positive change.

Networking: Connect with peace advocates and like-minded individuals.

Opportunities: Discover ways to get involved and make a difference.

Together, let's build a peaceful future!

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