Dove with Olive Branch

Salam centre for peace

Founder - Salam Kedan

  • Began participating in Model United Nations (MUN) and leadership conferences in ​2010 while in high school.
  • Appointed Executive Administrative Officer for Online Model UN in 2012, promoting ​the program and recruiting students.
    • Became Assistant Director for the Middle East and Africa in 2016.
  • Founded Salam Centre for Peace in 2016.
  • Participated in over 50 international conferences, taking on several roles including ​delegate, facilitator, supervisor, director, keynote speaker and more.


  • Bachelor's in Liberal Arts
  • Master's in International Relations
  • Certified Model UN Advisor - by BestDelegate
  • English Teaching Certificate - by TEFL

Dove with Olive Branch

Beyond Nationalities: Embracing Global Unity

In this workshop we explore the power of connection beyond borders. This workshop invites participants to transcend cultural and national divides, fostering understanding and cooperation on a global scale. Through interactive discussions and activities, we'll discover how embracing diversity can lead to meaningful collaborations and collective progress towards a more unified world.

Workshops offered by Salam

From Idea to Action:

Building Your Own Organization

In this workshop as the founder of Salam Centre for Peace, share practical insights and steps to help you turn your ideas into a thriving organization. Learn firsthand how to navigate the challenges of starting and growing a nonprofit or initiative, from initial concept to impactful implementation. Whether you're passionate about social change, community building, or advocacy, this workshop equips you with essential tools and strategies to make a meaningful difference in your community and beyond.

Understanding Conflict: Insights and Perspectives

In this workshop we we delve into the complexities of conflicts and the experiences of minorities. Through personal narratives and interactive discussions, gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by minority communities in conflict zones worldwide. This workshop encourages empathy, fosters cross-cultural awareness, and promotes dialogue aimed at building bridges and fostering peace.