Salam centre for peace - timeline

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Founded the centre in 2016 - first leadership and ​planning meeting in September -​ 09/2016

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Joined the Qatar Leadership Conference in October ​2016 with a student delegation and presented on the ​establishment of the Salam Centre-​ 10/2016

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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We were invited to speak at local schools about our ​organization and the opportunities available -​ 11/2016

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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We were invited to appear on local live TV station Hala ​to talk about the founding of the Salam Centre and our ​activities - 11/2016

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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We kickstarted the first session of the Intercultural ​Project with Daniel at Al Hekma Elementary School ​- 12/201​6

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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We hosted our leadership and training session for ​THIMUN Qatar 2017 -​ 12/2016

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to ​see more

Second meeting of our intercultural project with Akhil, ​Ibra​him and Kieran - 01/2017

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to ​see more

Hosted BestDelegate Advisor workshop for our ​leaders l​ed by Ryan Villanueva - 01/2017

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to ​see more

We hosted Ibrahim Alkazaz, the Secretary General of ​WIMUN to lead students training sessions -​ 01/2017

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to ​see more

We participated in THIMUN Qatar with 21 delegates ​01/2017

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to ​see more

We participated in WIMUN New York with 30 delegates ​02/2017

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to ​see more

Third meeting of our intercultural project at al Hekma ​Elementary School with Tomas and Grace - 02/2017

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


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Click on the photo to ​see more

Our delegation to MUNEF in Elazig, Turkey - 03/2017

Greater Than Sign
Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to ​see more

Fourth meeting of our intercultural project at al Hekma ​Elementary School with Alexandra - 03/2017

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to ​see more

Education 4 Justice initiative at the UNODC in Vienna, ​Austria - 03/2017

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to ​see more

Fifth joint meeting of our intercultural project at al ​Hekma Elementary School with Tomas, Grace, Akhi​l, Freya​ and Alexandra - 03/2017

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Presented about Salam Centre at TASMUN in Taipei, ​Taiwan, and we had one delegate - 04/2017​

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to ​see more

MSMUN (Middle School MUN) in Doha, Qatar with 10 ​delegates -​ 05/2017

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to ​see more

Final Ceremony of our intercultural project at Al-Hekma ​El​ementary School - 05/2017

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to ​see more

Ramadan Iftar and certificate ceremony for our ​students - 06/2017

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to see more

Our delegation to SzeMUN in Szeged Hungary - 10/2017

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to ​see more

The launch of the second year of the intercultural ​program at Al-Hekma Elementary School with our first ​session with Julia - 11/2017

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to see more

Participated in the World Innovation Summit for ​Education in Doha (WISE) - 11/2017

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to see more

Second meeting of our intercultural project at al Hekma ​Elementary School with Akash and Akhil- 11/2017

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to see more

Third meeting of our intercultural project at al Hekma ​Elementary School with Mariana - 12/2017

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to ​see more

Our delegation to THIMUN Qatar in Doha with 16 ​delegates - 01/2018

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to ​see more

Fourth meeting of our intercultural project at al Hekma ​Elementary School with Wang - 01/2018

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Our delegation to TIMEMUN with 10 delegates - 02/2018

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Our delegation to Uttarakhand Sustainable Development ​Festival, Champawat, India - 02/2018

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Our delegation to the National High School Model UN ​(NHSMUN) in New York, USA - 03/2018

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to see more

Fifth meeting of our intercultural project at al Hekma ​Elementary School with Selim and Roy - 03/2018

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Our delegation to GALMUN in Nazareth - 04/2018

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to ​see more

Co-hosted the Impact Summit in Prague,

Czech Republic - 09/2018

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Our delegation to Qatar Leadership Conference

in Doha - 10/2018

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:

Greater Than Sign


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Click on the photo to ​see more

The launch the intercultural project for the third year in ​a row at Al-Hekma Elementary School with Victoria - ​01/2019

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to ​see more

The second meeting of the intercultural project at Al-​Hekma Elementary School with Wang - 02/2019

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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The third meeting of the intercultural project at Al-​Hekma Elementary School with Noa- 03/2019

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to see more

Our joint delegation with Pro.Study from Moscow and ​Impact Summit from Prague

at GALMUN in Nazareth - 04/2019

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:

Greater Than Sign


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Click on the photo to ​see more

Our study trip to New York, USA - visiting the UN and UN ​missions to learn more about the SDGs - 04/2019

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to see more

Final ceremony of our intercultural project at Al-Hekma ​Elementary School, watch final video here - 06/2019

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Click on the photo to ​see more

We arranged with Al-Hekma Students a summer study ​trip to Istanbul - 07/2019

Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Greater Than Sign

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Our last participation in Prague Impact Summit before ​the COVID restrictions - 02/2020

Greater Than Sign
Dove with Olive Branch
Greater Than Sign

Salam centre for peace

Timeline Since Establishment in 2016:


Wooden Park Bench

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Greater Than Sign

Our break took longer than expected - we are working to ​provide more and more opportunities soon!